• No botox 2 weeks before treatment 
  • Avoid 48-72 hours prior treatment Alcohol, Seafood, Caffeine, Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, or Ibuprofen


  • Pregnant or Nursing
  • Sick- Cold, flu, etc.
  • Diabetic 
  • Chemotherapy
  • Viral Infections and Diseases
  • Epilepsy
  • Pacemaker or Major Heart Problems
  • Organ Transplant
  • Skin Irritation or Psoriasis- Rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.
* Please consult with your physician

If excessive bleeding occurs during treatment, poor results may occur. Additional touchups may be needed at an additional cost.




Gently blot brows with a clean tissue to absorb excess lymph fluid. Do this every 5 minutes for the rest of the day until the oozing stops. Removing this fluid prevents hardening of the lymphatic fluids.

  1. Using clean hands dampen a cotton pad with distilled water, squeeze out the excess moisture
  2. Gently wipe the aftercare ointment from brows
  3. Allow brows to breathe

You need to treat the area with absolute care, like you would treat any other type of tattoo.

The aftercare is just as important as getting the tattoo itself. Tattoos are not permanent until they are healed.


Morning & Bedtime Routine 10-14 Days, stop once brows feel smooth to touch.

Keep area clean and let it breathe! Stay away from sun and do not apply cosmetics on brows.

1. Wash

Clean daily to remove bacteria and buildup. “Gently” wash brows with a very light touch, by splashing distilled water and using fingertips in a circular motion using a fragrance free | antibacterial soap.

  • Dial Antibacterial Gold Soap
  • CerVe
  • Baby Shampoo

Avoid direct water pressureWhile showering, keep your face completely away from direct water pressure, it may prematurely remove scabbing. Take quick showers avoiding steam to develop in bathroom, or take a bath instead.

2. Dry

Pat with disposable paper towel and wait 10 minutes for area to air dry, never apply aftercare ointment on wet or damp tattoo.

Overexposure to excess water can cause brows to scab over, which will cause the cuts to heal unevenly resulting in patchy brows.

3. Moisturize
  • Apply aftercare ointment twice a day– morning and night

  • Put a rice size amount of aftercare ointment with a cotton swab or ring finger.
  • Then spread a “very thin” film of ointment to the brows. Be sure not to over-apply. Wounds need oxygen to heal and suffocating the skin with a thick layer of product may prevent the skin from breathing and delay healing. The ointment should be barely noticeable on the skin. The key is to apply only a very thin layer of product and rub it into the skin.
  • Blotting or rice papers- use as needed to remove excess oil on & around brow area
  • MAKEUP, SCRUBBING & LOTION– May cause infection, scarring, and delay healing

  • SLEEPING ON FACE– Use a fresh and clean pillowcase

  • PICKING– Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking can cause scarring or loss of color

  • DIRECT SUN EXPOSURE– Sun tanning or salon tanning beds, will blur pigment

  • SWEATING & EXERCISE– Pigment retention loss


  • ACTIVITIES- Long showers, massages, jacuzzis, saunas, hot yoga and swimming

Now it is time to critique your brows, the tattoo has become part of the dermis, the healed results are revealed.

  • Use a good sunscreen on your brows, sun exposure will fade your cosmetic tattoo.

  • The use of chemical peels and acid peels regularly on the forehead region can also cause eyebrow tattoos to fade prematurely.

If an infection or adverse reaction occurs at the site of the procedure area, contact your personal physician for treatment and report to SNHD special programs at (702) 759-0677.


Recommended every 1-2 years to maintain shape, color and detail. After 18 months, a new service will be required at full price.



Permanent makeup is growing in popularity among individuals who prefer a natural look to enhance their features without the hassle of daily makeup application. Eyebrows are one of the most important features on the face and can make a dramatic change. I stray from trends when customizing your eyebrow shape, opting for a classic modern touch that softens and compliments your bone structure. The simple enhancement goes beyond physical beauty and provides confidence that everyone deserves.

Convenient for the person on the go, or those with an active lifestyle who don’t want the fuss of drawn on brows. Also beneficial for those experiencing hair loss from aging or other serious ailments.

The best part of permanent makeup is not only does it give you the most natural looking eyebrows, but it requires no daily upkeep. They require no maintenance but the results last anywhere between 1-2 years depending on various factors such as skin type and an individuals lifestyle; i.e. medical condition, medication, age, elasticity, skin type, sun exposure and face products. It is recommended you get a yearly color boost to keep the color looking rich and the strokes remain crisp.

A licensed technician applies cosmetic dye to the eyebrows using a pen-like hand tool or machine with a tip of small sterile needles, enhancing the brows natural shape with tiny individual tattooed hair strokes or shading. These defined lines are color matched and customized to your hair pattern, skin tone and facial structure.

For optimum results, return for a touch-up in 4-8 weeks to fill in any gaps with a second color for full dimension that lasts 1-2 years depending on a person’s lifestyle.

Brow shaping technique is based on the golden ratio. Measuring the face by the golden ratio, using tools to customize the brow shape depending on the individuals bone structure. You can come in with your brows drawn in to give us an idea of your desired brow shape, once we decide on your shape, then the numbing process and treatment begins.

Approximately 2-3 hours & includes:

  1. Consultation
  2. Determining Shape & Color
  3. Applying Numbing Topical Anesthetic
  4. Aftercare Instructions
  5. Permanent Makeup Process
  6. The Reveal

Based on the feedback received, most of our clients say that they experience minimal discomfort. A numbing topical anesthetic is used to maximize comfort.

Brows are approximately 20-40% darker, bolder and more solid than your healed result. Under the pigment, the skin is red and the pigment has been deposited into the layer of skin containing dead skin cells; this combination results giving the appearance of a darker color. There may be minimal swelling but because typically the eyebrow area does not retain much fluid, swelling will be limited.

It is considered permanent due to the placement of pigment into the dermal layer of the skin and is subject to fade over time, but doesn’t disappear.

If you have any of the following you are not a good candidate for permanent makeup. Skin may not retain pigment, requiring multiple sessions to achieve desired results.

  • Rosacea

  • Redness

  • Thin

  • Sensitive

  • Excessively Oily Skin


Please insure that your skin is in ideal condition for your permanent makeup procedure. If you have blemishes in the area, tan, dry, stressed or severely oily skin, you are not a good candidate for permanent makeup. Please consult a skincare specialist and take care of above mentioned concerns prior to coming in for your appointment.

When appropriately healed, the results can last anywhere between 1-2 years depending on an individual’s lifestyle or health condition.

  • Medical Condition

  • Medication

  • Elasticity

  • Skin Type-Younger and oily skin usually fades faster

  • Sun Exposure

  • Face Products
